Monday, June 03, 2013

London Visitors!!!

Kyle's here!!!! If you all haven't figured that out from my Facebook posts yet, you're a bit behind! Catch up! :) He's here all week, and then the two of us set off for Italy for 9 days!!!! So before I get too excited about that, and too ahead of myself, I figure I should quickly catch you up on the past 2 weeks.

Life is finally settling down. Well almost. But the past month I can honestly say was pretty hectic/crazy/stressful. Two jobs is two many. (I know, I spelled "two" wrong there.) So I quit one. Studying for exams while working two jobs while looking for a new place to live is all TWO much. (Ok, I'll stop. Sorry I'm being a bit goofy today...) Anyway, so the past two weeks have been MUCH more fun.

First off, Hungarians invaded London! Well.... only one Hungarian: My cousin Tim. His wife Kathryn although very fun, is not Hungarian. They basically came in town for Chelsea football and kindly worked me into the fun. They are insane, die-hard fans and introduced me to the debauchery that is adult frat parties.
Drinking at a Chelsea football bar watching the Europa finals
Definitely definitely had beer poured and spilled and thrown on me....
I'm not actually sure if you can tell....but they are definitely THROWING beer across the bar in the midst of these chants. Even better? Kathryn literally knew every word to every daggone song they sang!
Suffice it to say.... it was an eye-opening experience....

The next week my friend Lauren came in from Chicago! It's always super fun to have a friend in town (I haven't actually had very many!) so I took her around to my neighborhood pubs and we drank along the Regents Canal.

Then I got all mature...took a break from acting like a college kid and got all dressed up with Dan to go to The Lion King!!! I have actually been really wanting to go see a show, so I was pretty excited. Although I do have to say that I may have found it more funny than Dan when the hyenas said "Mufasa Mufasa Mufasa" because it reminded me of my little sister Karissa watching the movie repeatedly... it was one of the best performances I've seen in ages!

And then on Saturday morning Kyle got here!! The poor kid got off the train at Paddington and had basically had 90 minutes of sleep (which he said to me like Will Farrell in the movie Elf). After a good nap and coffee in bed, I made him get up and be a little exploratory. Despite accusations that it's a "date" place, I brought Kyle to one of my favorite markets in London: the Borough Market. In my opinion this place can do no wrong. You can drink champagne while you walk around, sample cheese, truffle oil and eat things like oysters and duck confit sandwiches!!!

Then we slowly made our way along the River Thames, taking in the sites..

stopping at a pub here and there for some beer....

and playing in telephone booths (I can't help it, everyone likes to play inside these!)

Although I don't have any photos to document it, Saturday night was possibly the most hilarious night I've had since I arrived. We rented a private karaoke booth with a big random group (Sharon, Paul, Dan, me, Kyle, my friend Dave, Natalia and her husband Chris!). Let's just say cramming 8 people into a small "recording style" booth after drinking copious amounts of alcohol singing songs like "I want it that way" by the Backstreet Boys produces an awesome night. My favorite part might have been when Kyle caught everyone off guard who didn't know how into singing he can be by harmonizing alongside Dan and Paul to the song. It was pretty funny.

Sunday we explored Brick Lane for the first time. I haven't gone to the markets on the East Side much, so it was actually pretty cool to compare the hipster/Indian food vibe to the more "traditional" markets. It sort of reminded me of Brooklyn NY. Just about anything went here.

That's all for now folks... will be offline on the blogosphere until I return from Italy in a couple of weeks! Well... that's IF I return. I may just stay there....

Ciao for now!