Friday, February 22, 2013

The Dirty 3-0

I know I'm a bit delayed on this posting .. but let's go ahead and give me a break understanding the fact that the past week was either spent celebrating, or recovering from my big birthday celebration. In an effort to actually post something (and not make this too long - as my brother Kyle told me nicely "he'd like to hear from me more often but with less length"), I figure I'll post about the birthday celebration and then backtrack to the week before.

So… the big 3-0. Seriously.. I think I could've pulled off a 24th birthday celebration and no one would've been the wiser if I hadn't told them. That said… last weekend truly made me realize how amazing people can be. Between my new friends here going overboard to make me feel special after only having known me for 6 weeks, to my family and friend's from the States calling, texting and sending me birthday cards and flowers (thanks Mary! They are still on my kitchen table!) I can honestly say that I really couldn't have asked for much more (except for my mom being here and making me feel like I'm the most important being on the Earth for that 24 hour period, which she always does!). Even today I was STILL getting birthday presents in the mail (ok it was Mary again, and she spoiled me….but you get my drift).
Mary sent me these awesome yellow roses

Starting last Thursday at school my classmates already were wishing me nonstop "happy birthdays" since we didn't have class Friday. My actual birthday started off with sunshine (something pretty rare this time of year) and coffee which I'm convinced was just for me. I won't duplicate post every photo that was on Facebook, but below are a few to document the weekend.

For some reason I really like this photo with the sunshine watermarks, and my London mug. :)

The day continued with a breakfast of Bloody Mary's, Eggs Benedict and dessert (thanks Branislav).

I went on a run in the park, did a yoga class at a new studio I found, and then had friends over to my apartment for a bit if a pre party before going to The Blues Kitchen. This "pre party" to be clear included some of my all-time favorites: margaritas, a huge vat of homemade guacamole (thanks Chris!) and more French cheese than I've ever had in my life thanks to Sharon's French friend whom I didn't even meet! Not to be a total food dork…but this cheese seriously was out. of. control. (and I'm not just talking about the stinky ass smell it's been emitting from our fridge for the past week! ;)

I realize not everyone appreciates "food pictures"....but tough. I was pretty pumped about all these soft cheeses! And it's my blog! :)
I think this is our first official roommate picture - albeit not the best one since we all have night raccoon eyes

My roommates were all so amazing in making me feel like the center of the universe. Then I did a typical "Kirsti friend merge" and pulled a bunch of people who didn't know each other together for a night to pretend they all were best friends. Between everyone though, the thoughtful cards and gifts I got were so sweet. The rest of the night was spent at The Blues Kitchen (would you expect anything less from me??) ordering the best Manhattans I've ever had and dancing to funk and soul bands. Apparently some other random impromptu dance moves took place (ahem - Australian Andrew and the pole dance?!?!), but lucky for those previously named, I don't have any photographic evidence.

Prime example of friend-merging: Andrew (from class) on the left, Chris (Natalia's husband) and then Alex (Laura - my roommate's - boyfriend).

My friend Dave is on the left, Veronica and Natalia from Uni (who have already made appearances in this blog) and me! :)
Again, friend-merging at it's finest. I managed to pull together an American, an Indian, a Bolivian, a Chinese/Brit and a Dutchwoman. :)

My best attempt at an "action shot"....sorry guys but you got caught! :) This was sort of funny because it's the American KPMG peeps and the American E&Y peeps. They are typically mortal enemies...

Sam and Cristy and the mustache necklace
Fuzzy? Yes…but after the amount of Econ help Valentina has given me this week… I must include her!

My pretty little Bolivian - Veronica

Paul and Veronica are new buds - and I have to say their conversations may be the most entertaining of any I've heard

This is admittedly a ridiculous picture. I'm not entirely sure what is happening other than Sharon and Natalia seem to be wrapping my head in something. But clearly we are having a good time.

Think that was it? Nope! The rest of the weekend was filled with homemade cupcakes (and icing!) and mimosas from Sharon (who thoughtfully took into account the fact that I can't have chocolate since I gave it up for Lent and made me vanilla/lemon cupcakes…
Breakfast in bed from Alex (Laura's boyfriend) who made me an egg and sausage roll as I watched Game of Thrones and recovered. (Although I have to tell you, I didn't realize that an "egg and sausage roll" was essentially an egg sandwich. So, I basically had two egg sandwiches on Saturday.)

And then Saturday night, I met up with new friends on a "friend date" - Deepti, her fiancĂ© Greg, and their friend Kayla. They were honestly amazing. I have to admit, I was feeling apprehensive about another friend date given the night I'd had before…but somehow despite the fact that Deepti and Greg were literally JUST engaged, the entire group got a bottle of champagne and managed to make me feel like the evening was all about celebrating ME turning 30! So sweet! (And it was my first experience with sushi here! Let's say I was not disappointed).

Lastly on Sunday, Jen (my amazing boss from Leo Burnett) and her husband Des were in town and made time to meet with me. Let's rephrase…not only "made time" but also put up with me walking them WAY out of the way to try to find a "highly recommended" pub to satisfy my fish n chips craving despite the fact that they didn't know they signed up for a 5k to do it. Apologies and thanks at the same time… I'm not on my A game in terms of restaurants here yet. But promises to those who visit next, I'll do better. Either way, it was an awesome way to round out the weekend - spending time with loved ones from home. (Well, if we're being completely honest, I finished out the weekend at Jenny and Matt's watching OSU lose to Wisconsin….but I figured I could gloss over that).
Just wanted to thank everyone again for an awesome 30th. I honestly kind of can't believe it's over already. Can't we drag this out into a birthday month!??!?!

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