Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"Only In London"....

Alright this post is going to be a quickie. I'm literally in the midst of 20 open web pages surrounding the LIBOR scandal and the Japanese economy, attempting to pretend I've retained some of my newly acquired Econ knowledge to write about for my final paper. But I figure when I let too much time go by my blog posts get impossibly long. So here are a few things that as I saw them made me giggle, chuckle or smile because they seemed like things that would only happen in London. I realize as I read over them that they could actually happen in many other big cities...but...well, that makes for a less ownable blog post.

Furry dressed up people @ 9 am!!! 
I wish I had a picture of the dude in a matching outfit sitting directly across from this girl on the tube, but he was next to me, so I couldn't take a photo very easily. Either way, this wasn't like a fancy dress party. It was 9 am people. Rush hour tube time. Not sure what else to say about this....

Beat-boxing/Dub-step Street performers
Ok, this isn't that unusual in NY, but that's about the only other place I've seen this kind of street performer. It's kind of hard to hear because apparently my iPhone video cam picks up sound pretty well.....but this guy was making his rounds on Oxford St. shopping district giving performances.

Oxford Street Performer

Ping-Pong Themed Bars
Not really surprised. London has a ton of themed bars. Went to Greg's birthday party last Saturday at Bounce. It was pretty cool!

I liked the background decor using ping pong paddles and tables.
I'm not really sure how this party turned Pirate-themed...but it seems to have.
Studying at Pubs WITH your laptop WHILE eating foie gras. 
Ok, I know I've documented pub-studying before. But I felt like eating with my laptop next to me and eating things like foie gras (sorry if you're morally against it....we wanted to try it! Actually Dan wanted to try it so I blame him!) was somewhat unusual even for me! It prompted me to say "only in London would this be acceptable...to go to a pub, with your computer to do work and drink."

Behind Dan's head was a wall-sized photograph of the Venice Canal right in our neighborhood which was pretty cool.

Celebrity-spottings while at work
Ok, I know I posted this on Facebook...but then I realized that it would get me in trouble with someone, somehow. So I pulled it down. Anyway, for those of you that haven't seen already, Jeremy Piven came into the gym I work at yesterday. I was mildly starstruck. Unfortunately he didn't seem even slightly interested in engaging in any sort of conversation about the fact that we have Chicago in common, or that I love Ari Gold. Or that Sharon - my flatmate - wants to marry him.

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