Sunday, November 10, 2013

What's in a Door?

So the past few weeks have been pretty uninteresting around here. I know I deserve that after a month of traveling in October....but it's hard to go from one extreme to the other. The past few weeks I've seriously been buckling down, and putting in long hours on my research project. Thank the LORD for my brother and my cousin-in-law Jess who apparently do way more research than I realized. They have been a huge help. But I really mean it that the past few weeks have been slow.

Actually, that's not really that fair. I went to the Killers concert with my friend Dave last week. And I experienced my first male burlesque show which I'm actively blocking out of my mind. DEFINITELY no desirable photos to show you from that. And I also went to the perfect little British pub - The Southampton Arms - and the best kebob place ever this weekend. Otherwise though... slow. ;)

That said... I'm pulling out some of the pics of things that I think are cool here, but I haven't really had a reason to post about! What you ask!? DOORS! Hahaha. Ok, sometimes I entertain myself more than I entertain other people. I'm aware of that. But seriously, one of the things I think is so cool about London is that everyone has these brightly-colored and/or cool-looking front doors on their houses. Way better than in the States! I'm convinced there is SOME sort of explanation for this other than that people like colorful doors here.

Someone told me that in the council estates that are now privatized, one of the first things owners do is change their door to be more "custom" so it doesn't look like the old council housing.

Maybe it's because "bespoke" is such a big thing here?? Everyone seems to get customized everything here!?

You get the idea.....

Sadly, when I googled this to try to come up with an interesting explanation....all that came up were a bunch of London door companies. Wah Wah. However, one of my favorite things to do around London (and Europe in general) is just wonder the streets through the different neighborhoods and just soak up the atmosphere. There is so much charm and history here. So...that said, I'm inviting you to join me on a little wonder throughout London to check out a bit of the charm I've come to love here. :)

I gotta say, mad props to the hot pink front door!
Seriously! Look at this all on one street!!!
I think this one was in Chelsea, where everything is colorful!

Even the crappier houses still have cool colored doors!!!

This was great! We were walking through Highbury, and some of the houses were named based on where they were. Made me giggle a little....
Plus I really like the lion head as the door-knocker on this one!
It just looks so posh! :)
That's all for now folks! Don't you feel like you just took a little stroll through London!?!? 

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