Sunday, January 27, 2013

I’d Like a Cup of Tea Please

So it's official... I'm becoming a blogger. I'm hoping I'm not completely terrible at this, but it seems like the best way to keep anyone who pretends to care posted on my life across the pond. Part 1 was deciding on a blog name. So I suppose I should explain the one I've chosen. Technically it's "I Only Speak American". This name came about because TWICE - not once TWICE - I've actually accidentally told people that the only language I speak is American. <insert sheepish face> I realize this is ridiculous. But I figure I may as well laugh about it. That said, the URL isn't my actual site is

Still learning how all this works... so bear with me please!! I've put my last email to everyone as a post also...and then my next update is here....

I don’t understand how it’s even happened….last time I checked, I was NOT a tea person. In fact, tea made me think of being ill. I certainly have not ever liked green tea or chamomile tea. Then bam. Suddenly I like tea?? The Brits are brainwashing me… Last week, I had herbal raspberry tea and it was delicious. The other night, not only did I have tea twice (and chamomile tea at that!), but I actually boiled water in a kettle!!!! Seriously! A kettle!? I mean, yes, it was an electric kettle (which are fabulous by the way..not sure why I’ve never had one before. Boiling water to cook pasta? Done in half the time….. hard boiled eggs? Easy peasy). Anyway, electric or not… I used a kettle for tea before bed today. Something is happening to me. I’m blaming it on the water….

Anyway thus begins by blog entry about falling in love with London. I think it’s happening. Despite the cold temps. Despite the gray. Despite the fact that my feet seem to hurt ALL the time (apparently I didn’t walk as much in Chicago as I thought). Everything is pretty. Snow covered trees and cars look lovely when the cars are old-fashioned cabs and the homes are European, white townhouses. It’s like an idyllic scene from a movie! My neighborhood (Maida Vale) is absolutely beautiful in this weather. The snow was falling in thick flakes the other day, and even though I think it’s crazy how the entire city freaks out and shuts down when it snows (it really did essentially shut down!) it’s so pretty that it’s hard to care.

Then there’s the pub culture. I think I’m already on board. Coffee shops are so bustling and noisy that I’m seriously considering starting to do my schoolwork in pubs instead. The pubs are quaint. People bring their computers and do work there. The lighting is lovely, and despite the overpriced beers, it’s hard to stay away from a cider even when you’re trying to be good!

Everything is new. Every neighborhood is different. Everything has it’s own unique feel. Notting Hill was so cute to walk around that I immediately wanted to move there.  Angel is like the Wicker Park/Bucktown of London. There are hardly any skyscrapers, so even if you’re in the epicenter of business, it doesn’t feel like a dirty overcrowded city. I’m starting to develop relationships already that I can tell are going to develop into friendships, and I’m loving that most of them are with people that aren’t Americans. (This is not to knock some of the awesome Americans I’ve been put in touch with here. They have been fabulous! But let’s be honest, I didn’t move to Europe to only hang out with Americans, so I’m actively seeking international friends). My British and Dutch roommates (love them, if you didn’t get that from my last post). My Russian, Bolivian, Bulgarian, Italian, Australian and Saudi Arabian classmates that have already had me over for dinner, regularly packed an “extra” sandwich for me at lunch (ok, that’s only one guy….but I don’t care if it’s because he has a crush on me… it’s saved me from getting grumpy from hunger several times!). The fact that the other day I actually was able to organize a group of friends to go to a PUB to watch the movie Casablanca!! I know it may be a lame way to express it..but it’s the truth. Right now I’m in the honeymoon phase. I love it all.

So a few of my favorite things so far:
Borough Market – an absolutely MUST do. And by “do”, I mean weekly. It’s a food-lovers heaven. Samples everywhere. Truffle oil samples even!! Cheese. Olives! The most insane grilled cheese sandwiches I’ve ever seen. Bread that smells so wonderful you should have to pay just for the smells. Chocolate bread samples! I mean seriously…. I didn’t even need lunch after that. It’s right by the London Bridge (not to be mistaken with the Tower Bridge, although apparently everyone does). It’s quaint, and pretty, and open year round. 

     Fish and chips – Only had it once, and it was big enough to feed three people….but it did not disappoint.

     My local pub “The Metropolitan” – Free, live, acoustic music every Thursday. Need I say more? Consider me a regular.



     Roasts – I think I already made this clear in my last post as well…but in case I didn’t….
     The fact that everyone acts incredulous when I tell them it’s about to be my 30th birthday. I don’t think I look that young…but I seem to pass as 24 or 25 on a regular basis…and I’m going to bask in that as long as possible.

The few things I don’t like (and there aren’t many)
  • Their front doors – the handles are in the middle. It’s just awkward. They don’t close easily so I’m constantly SLAMMING the door. 
  • The gym situation – It’s less than ideal. They are super expensive, and super small. 
  • Carrying my bookbag or shoulder bag (depending on the day) with me. Too heavy. I don’t like carrying books, and a laptop, and my notebooks, and my packed lunch for the day. I feel like my arm is going to fall off. Maybe I can get a boy to start carrying it for me… 
  • Top up cell phones – What a pain in the ass. Seriously. Customer service doesn’t exist here. And the cell phone situation without an established credit history is just ridiculous 
  • The coffee situation – still figuring this out. Their “filtered” coffee (aka American coffee) is rubbish. The Americanos aren’t a good substitute….and everything seems to have a lot more milk than I want. They don’t like personalizing your coffee either. Don’t add things, do half caf, add 2-not-3 pumps of a syrup. In fact, don’t add a syrup at all. They don’t like fancy. Just order a dry cappuccino and get on with it already... 
  • Everyone smokes. Seriously. Everyone. 
Also, the Britons are crazy about the weather. It’s like they don’t need heat. The sun comes out and the weather gets above 2 degrees (Celsius) and people are suddenly eating outside!?!?! Seriously…. I don’t know how their hands don’t freeze off.

Anyway, after 3 weeks here in London…. There’s not much not to like. I’m facing constant battles with wanting to do and see it all (like a tourist) and getting overwhelmed with all there is to do while still trying to study finance (which I’m horrible at) and live an everyday life. But discovering a different way of living with all types of different people so far has been so great. 

More "touristy" pictures coming soon...

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