Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Welcome to London!

Jan. 7, 2013

HOLA!!!! (This is what I yell to my roommates every day when I walk into our flat to announce my entrance. They assure me that they find me completely endearing and not at all annoying.)

So, I’ve officially been here for 4 full days. Given my usual amount of ridiculous energy, the fact that I felt deliriously tired for the first 3 days AND that I actually slept in until 1 pm on Saturday (that is seriously probably a life first) I’ve realized this jet lag thing is for real. While this may be a given, I found it very surprising that I was walking around feeling like a narcoleptic for the first few days.  I think I might have actually fallen asleep at the bank counter while opening my account. 

That said, there's been plenty entertaining, humorous or just plain awesome things have already happened. So here's the list from these first few days. 
  • ORD – There seems to have been a carry on bag weight limit that I was unaware of. Didn’t bode well for my strategy of “putting all the heavy stuff in my carry on bag so I didn’t go over the weight limit for checked baggage.” Instead I had to check an extra bag. And by extra, I mean a 5th bag. (Yes, you heard me right). Thank you Mom, Dad and Mary for all the work you put into trying to keep me at 3 bags. Sorry it ended up going to total waste. Close your eyes, hand over your credit card and think happy thoughts.) 
  • Dublin airport - I accidentally dropped a “mini bottle” of red wine in the Customs line from Dublin to London. Bottle shattered. Wine sprayed. Security line got held up. Young security guard looked none-too-entertained. I sheepishly apologized and fled the scene. 
  • Heathrow Airport - One of my 3 new roommates – Paul – picked me up from the airport AND carried all 5 of my bags for me. AND somehow managed to not look at me like I was a total moron for packing so much. No one in London has cars, so Paul immediately became my new favorite person. He also gave me a tour of the city, took me to lunch and listened to me excitedly imitate his British accent while still looking fairly amused – rather than disgusted – by how American I was being. 
  • First Weekend - Paul (my new best friend, in case you forgot) took me out with his friends Friday night. I was told we were going to a pub, then a club. I said I was bailing after the pub to sleep. Somehow 4 am rolls around and I am still out with Paul and said friends (who were all awesome by the way) at some random music bar way on the other side of town, listening to a West African drum line, and dancing the night away while sipping on Mohitos (boys included).
  • London First I slept in until 1 pm Saturday, after previously noted 4 am night. I think that may have been a first for me. Like...ever.
  • I’ve been corrected like… 6398 times for calling money dollars instead of pounds. (Come on, you know what i mean!)
  • I've also been corrected for saying "Let me throw on some pants". (Pants means underwear here. Trousers means pants. You see the problem.
  • American things in London - My roommate Sharon seems to still like me despite the fact that she has no idea what to make of my neti pot hanging in the bathroom…or the fact that I seem to burp out loud without warning quite frequently.
  • First Day of School 
    •  So Monday was my first day of school in….almost 8 years! And I’m the ONLY American in my entire class. Then, right about the time we are finishing up introductions, my course leader looks at me and says “Oh, YOU’RE the Kirsti Boston that has been sending me so many emails and questions over the past 2 months.” Busted. 
    • I am already am nicknamed “Google” by several of my new classmates (primarily boys who’s names I can’t pronounce because they are from somewhere in the Middle East and for the first time, I’m not the one with the weirdest name). I’m sorry I’m organized. I plan. I do happen to be carrying 2 different notebooks, a binder of information and a day planner.   
    • The school hosted a social, and somehow I managed to be the very last student to leave.  When I realized it was me and 5 professors talking about the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath and why they all should start watching Dexter, I figured it was time to bolt.

Lastly – and maybe this doesn’t come as a shocker to all of you given my penchant for bad British accents and slang – but everything I say seems to sound …well…. Trashy! So I’ve started a list of US words and their UK meaning. It’s too early to share it now… it’s not funny to anyone except me (and my roommates, who somehow still find me ridiculously entertaining after 4 days). But stay tuned there…  

Anyway, I’ve started taking some pictures, but I haven’t properly touristed much quite yet. But here are a few of the ones I’ve captured so far. Thanks to so many amazing friends in the US who were willing to put me in touch with their British friends, I’ve had a pretty full social calendar. I actually feel like I have friends! (Crazy, I know!) I’ve gone out in 2 neighborhoods other than my own, and have already seen the book store Hugh Grant worked at in the movie Notting Hill!!

Much love,

My first proper British cappuccino

First Night Out: West African Band drum line

My Uni: First Day of School

An amazing run in Regent Park - very close to my school and apartment

Part 2 of my Regent Park run

@ The Notting Hill Bookstore - in search of Hugh Grant

My lovely street in Maida Vale by night

Also on my street - my house is just a few down

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