Thursday, January 23, 2014

So much has changed…..or has it??

This is going to be a “shorter” blog post (if that’s even possible for me) given the fact that I’ve been at my kitchen table – and at my computer – pretty much nonstop for 12 hours a day, every day all week in an attempt to finish my research project. Big shout-out to my cousin-in-law Jess and my brother Kyle who have seriously been a god-send, along with some also-much-appreciated Excel help from Dan and Eric, and an insane amount of proofreading by Mary! Thanks guys, you all are awesome! It’s almost over….. (but that also means my time here is winding down too!)

So I was reading more posts from last year. Interestingly, the first one that caught my eye was this photo of me studying
…. Apparently not much has changed! ;)

I read my birthday post from last February – when I turned 30 here – and was reminded yet again about how amazing the friends I’ve made here have been to me. 
I'm including this picture with the sole hope that Matt and Jenny look at this and remember this night! Who knew people you had just met would become such great friends!
I may live in a totally different house, on the total opposite end of London… but my current flatmates are no less great! In the 2 months I’ve lived here, I’ve had several amazing meals cooked for me on weekdays “just because!” Anyway, I was a bit sad last year to not be home to celebrate with my family ….and now it’s so weird to think that I will be arriving back in the States just a few short days before my next birthday!

I also remember last year around this time hearing about “Australia Day” which I’ll evidently be participating in to some degree this year (the degree will be determined by how much of my paper is complete by the weekend). I’m not sure if that’s lucky of me that I have so many Aussie friends now… or if it means I’m in for a rough day. I also remember the Chinese New Year celebrations down in Soho. Not gonna lie, that’s one occasion where I feel like I ticked the box and don’t need to go back…

The end of February and March 2013 were packed full of amazing things: my first trip (skiing in France!!!!!),

Apparently this doesn't even do Apres Ski justice! Bummed to not get the chance to experience it this year!
And the white-out that closed half of the lifts and runs....
Which I apparently conquered, bug-eyes and all!
followed by another trip (Lithuania!),
I figured I'd include this mostly because it has the Lithuanian language - a clear indicator we were there! 
And this.....which still haunts me...the worst food I've ever tried: slimy pig ears

sandwiching several concerts that I was super excited about (Of Monsters and Men and The Lumineers!). No wonder I was loving the first few months here!

AND, I just saw a picture I’d posted of Lobster-flavored “crisps” (chips) which started me giggling because my flatmate Phuong was just eating this bag of Prawn (Shrimp) Cocktail flavored crisps! We had a Mexican dinner party with “shrimp” tacos earlier this week and the Aussies think it’s so crazy that Americans call “King Prawns” (their name) “Jumbo Shrimp.” I guess it is kind of an oxymoron when you think about it!
Lately I’ve really been missing my runs through the parks that I used to do when I lived on the “West” side….Until I realized how close I am to the Thames River now! So here's my new running route...
 which I access via St. Paul’s Cathedral. Not such an awful replacement for the parks!

I'm starting to get an eeny weeny bit excited for my return home...although candidly I can't think much past what I'm going to do next week with absolutely ZERO responsibilities (except for a couple of job interviews via Skype!). Happy almost-weekend!

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